Montag, 8. April 2013

BP to be Lead Sponsor of Historic Exhibition Bringing Masterpieces From the Hermitage to Britain

spain bp holdings
BP is to be the lead sponsor of a once-in-a-lifetime exhibition which will bring masterpieces from the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg to Britain for a unique show at one of this country’s finest historic houses, Houghton in Norfolk, opening on 17 May 2013.
The magnificent art collection, which originally hung at Houghton, was brought together by Britain’s first Prime Minister, Robert Walpole (1676-1745), and following his death was sold in 1779 to Catherine the Great of Russia and was later housed at the State Hermitage Museum.
Peter Charow, BP’s Vice President for Russia said: “We are pleased to bring the exhibition to its original home. BP is a major supporter of culture in both the UK and Russia.”
Over 70 paintings from the collection, including masterpieces by Van Dyck, Poussin, Rubens, Rembrandt, Velazquez and Murillo are being reassembled for the first time in over 200 years and shown in their original settings at Houghton. The exhibition includes works on loan from the Hermitage and other Russian museums as well as loans from the National Gallery, Washington and the Metropolitan Museum, New York.
The exhibition will reproduce the original hang of the Grand Rooms at Houghton, bringing them back to their original splendor. In its scale and ambition, the exhibition will be a fitting celebration both of 250th anniversary of Catherine the Great’s accession to the throne, and the long and distinguished history of Anglo-Russian cultural relations.
For over a decade BP’s support for Russian culture includes the Mariinsky Theatre and the Valery Gergiev Foundation. In 2011-2012 BP extended its support and has partnered with the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory, the State Hermitage, Tretyakov Gallery, Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko musical theatre and annual Dyagilev musical festival in St Petersburg further demonstrating BP’s commitment to Russian cultural life.
In the UK, BP is a major supporter of the arts with a programme that spans over 35 years. In 2011 BP announced it is investing almost £10 million in extending its long term partnerships with the British Museum, the National Portrait Gallery, the Royal Opera House, and Tate Britain over the next five years. Taken together, these agreements represent one of the most significant long-term corporate investments in UK arts and culture.


spain bp holdings

Montag, 25. März 2013

bp global holdings press releases, BP skal føre Sponsor av historiske utstillingen å bringe mesterverk fra Erermitagen til Storbritannia

bp global holdings press releases
BP er å være føre sponsor av en-livs utstilling som vil bringe mesterverk fra Eremitasjen i St. Petersburg til Storbritannia for en unik forestilling på en av landets fineste historiske hus, Houghton i Norfolk, åpning på 17 mai 2013.
Den praktfulle kunstsamlingen, som opprinnelig hang på Houghton, ble brakt sammen av Storbritannias første statsminister, Robert Walpole (1676-1745), og etter hans død ble solgt i 1779 til Katarina den store av Russland og bodde senere på State Hermitage Museum.
Peter Charow, BP'S Vice President for Russland sa: "vi er glade for å bringe utstillingen å dens opprinnelige hjem. BP er en stor tilhenger av kultur i både Storbritannia og Russland."
Sammen over 70 malerier fra samlingen, inkludert mesterverk av Van Dyck, Poussin, Rembrandt Rubens, Velazquez og Murillo er å være igjen for første tid i over 200 år og vises i de opprinnelige innstillingene på Houghton. Utstillingen inneholder fungerer på lån fra Eremitasjen og andre russiske museer samt lån fra National Gallery, Washington og the Metropolitan Museum, New York.
Utstillingen vil reprodusere opprinnelige taket på Grand rommene på Houghton, bringe dem tilbake til sin opprinnelige prakt. I sin skala og ambisjoner, vil utstillingen være en passende feiring begge av 250-årsjubileet for Katarina stort tiltredelse til tronen, og lang og fremragende historien Anglo-russisk kulturelle forhold.
For over et tiår inkluderer bps støtte for russisk kultur Mariinskij-teateret og Valery Gergiev Foundation. I 2011-2012 BP utvidet sin støtte, og har inngått samarbeid med Moskva Tchaikovsky vinterhagen, State Hermitage, Tretjakovgalleriet, Konstantin Stanislavskij og Nemirovitsj-Dansjenko, musikalsk teater og årlige Dyagilev musikalske festival i St Petersburg ytterligere å demonstrere BP og forpliktelse til russiske kulturliv.
I Storbritannia er BP en stor tilhenger av kunst med et program som strekker seg over over 35 år. I 2011 kunngjorde BP det er å investere nesten £10 millioner i å utvide sin langsiktige partnerskap med British Museum, National Portrait Gallery, Royal Opera House og Tate Britain over de neste fem årene. Disse avtalene, som til sammen representerer en av de mest betydelige langsiktige bedriftens investeringene i UK kunst og kultur.


bp global holdings press releases

Mittwoch, 5. Dezember 2012


bp holdings
Från BP vindkraft fjärråtgärder centrum i Houston kontrolleras alla 13 i dess gårdar över sju oss stater är nära 24/7. Den information som förmedlas tillbaka hjälper dem att producera mer effektivt, ekonomiskt och säkert sätt
Sitter i ett mörkare rum mer än 30 våningar ovan gatorna i downtown Houston, USA, en BP vindkraft aktör är kunna berätta besökare exakt hur mycket makt genereras på en vindkraftspark så långt bort som California – och vad vädret vill det.
Detta är fjärråtgärder centrum (ROC), där vissa 800 miljoner enskilda datapunkter från BP: s 13 vindkraftverk i sju stater lagras varje månad. Massan av information gör det fjärråtgärder laget att hålla ett öga på kritiska och rörliga faktorer, såsom turbin tillgänglighet, power generation kapacitet, marknadens prissättning och vind hastighet.
Program samlar in data på varje enskild vindkraftspark, samt från nationella elektriska systemansvariga som den elektriska tillförlitlighet rådet i Texas (ERCOT), som överförs sedan till Houston och väder tjänster. Mycket av informationen visas i form av cirkel-diagram eller stapeldiagram på centrumets fem av 18 meter lång (1,5 av 5 meter lång) ljust färgade skärmar – känd som "muren". Det flimrar regelbundet, som nummer justera i realtid.
"Väggen ger operatörer synlighet av vad som händer vid varje wind farm, säger David Grant, chef för fjärråtgärder och SCADA (övervakande kontroll och data förvärv) teknik för BP vindkraft. "Vi kan titta på prestanda för en enskild turbin och jämför det med andra från samma tillverkare på en specifik vindkraftspark eller hela flottan, Vi kan känna igen om utrustning börjar bedriva verksamhet utanför en normal parameter och reagera."
Tack vare ett larmsystem som konfigurerats intern, aktörer i ROC vet nästan omedelbart av eventuella problem i fältet. "Om vi har en maskinvaruenhet som resor ute på en gård – om det är en individuell turbin, nätverkskomponent, omformare eller meteorologiska torn – vi är aviserad av larm, vanligtvis inom fem till tio sekunder av denna händelse äger rum," förklarar Tony Tousha, vind operationer specialist...
bp holdings

Freitag, 23. November 2012

Partnere i det Karibiske Havet – Wellsphere

bp holdings madrid spain news articles
Dobbelt-øya nasjet av Trinidad og Tobago puncher godt over dets vekt i den globale økonomien, takk til detse rikelige hydrokarbonreserver. Det samme er sann innenfor BP, med drift i Trinidad og Tobago forklare omkring 12% av det selskaps totale globale oljen og gassproduksjon. Det er et langt og fruktbart forhold som BP håp vil fortsette å florere og å vokse i årene å komme…
bp holdings madrid spain news articles

Samstag, 10. November 2012


bp holdings
In this article, we add another five -- making 10 in all -- with a particular focus on identity theft, the biggest scam of all.
By taking these simple precautions, you can substantially reduce the risk that you'll lose your money, your identity, or both, to the villains.
Before we get started, we suggest you visit last week's most popular articles from our other websites:
2 Easy Tips for Getting out of Holiday Credit Card Debt: Tips to remedy that holiday credit card debt you might find yourself in.
4 New Year's Resolutions to Help Prevent Identity Theft: Make some resolutions about how to prevent identity theft for you and your family.
Key Ways to Reduce the Photo Size of Your Images Using iPhoto (For Mac Users): A quick, easy way to reduce photo size with iPhoto, just for Mac users.
Winter Safety Tips that Could Save Your Life: Things you need to do to stay safe this winter, whether the storm of the century hits you or not.

Now, on with our tips list...

Tip #6. Protect your identity
Again, it may sound obvious, but you'd be amazed at how many people are careless with information that can be used by criminals to pass themselves off as their victims. For a start, that means taking special care of documents and other items you carry around with you -- like credit and health insurance cards. Keep them out of sight and out of reach. Never leave them in your car, and leave those you don't need, like your Social Security card, at home. Equally, don't be too generous with information about yourself on the Internet, especially on social networks liked Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn and Twitter. Disclosing info like your address or phone number, your employer and your educational and career history, all provide valuable background for ID thieves.

Tip #7. Monitor yourself
In Tip #3 we mentioned the importance of checking the details of your bank and credit card statements to provide early warning of identity theft. Well, that's just the start of the whole process of monitoring the activities of those who keep records about you. You also should take advantage of your entitlement to get a free report on your credit rating once a year from each of the three major credit reporting agencies -- again so you can spot anything unusual. Also check out your medical and employment records and keep a close eye on your tax records -- all of these are used by scammers in building up stolen identities and, sometimes, even assuming the full identity of victims.  Sound like too much trouble? Don't have the time? Then consider enrolling with a company that will monitor your credit activities and issue an immediate alert if someone tries to pass themselves off as you…
bp holdings

Sonntag, 21. Oktober 2012

2 people injured in small explosion at samuel adams brewery in lehigh county, BP Holdings Sweden

100 employees evacuated, operations shut down immediately after explosion
A small explosion at the Samuel Adams brewery in Lehigh County injured two employees and forced the evacuation of about 100 others, officials said.

The explosion happened shortly before noon Thursday inside the boiler room of the brewery, which is located adjacent to Interstate 78, near Route 100, in Upper Macungie Township.
Workers were starting up one of the boilers when the explosion happened, said Michelle Sullivan, a spokeswoman for the Boston Beer Company, who added that the boiler room is a free-standing structure at the brewery.
Employees immediately called 911, shut down all operations and evacuated the brewery's buildings, as per the company's protocol, Sullivan said.
Two workers were treated at the scene for minor injuries. One complained of eye irritation; the other suffered a bump on the head, Sullivan said.

Samuel Adams brewery, Upper Macungie Twp., Lehigh Co.
Hazardous materials crews responded to the scene because asbestos had been used to wrap pipe in the boiler room, said Sullivan, who noted that an environmental monitoring expert was also brought in by the brewery to monitor the air quality.
The company was given the all-clear by the fire marshal and the fire department, who determined the air quality to be good and the building structurally safe, Sullivan said.
Brewing has not yet resumed, but Sullivan said that packaging and shipping operations have returned to normal.
Copyright 2012 WFMZ. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

2 people injured in small explosion at samuel adams brewery in lehigh county, BP Holdings Sweden

100 employees evacuated, operations shut down immediately after explosion
A small explosion at the Samuel Adams brewery in Lehigh County injured two employees and forced the evacuation of about 100 others, officials said.

The explosion happened shortly before noon Thursday inside the boiler room of the brewery, which is located adjacent to Interstate 78, near Route 100, in Upper Macungie Township.
Workers were starting up one of the boilers when the explosion happened, said Michelle Sullivan, a spokeswoman for the Boston Beer Company, who added that the boiler room is a free-standing structure at the brewery.
Employees immediately called 911, shut down all operations and evacuated the brewery's buildings, as per the company's protocol, Sullivan said.
Two workers were treated at the scene for minor injuries. One complained of eye irritation; the other suffered a bump on the head, Sullivan said.

Samuel Adams brewery, Upper Macungie Twp., Lehigh Co.
Hazardous materials crews responded to the scene because asbestos had been used to wrap pipe in the boiler room, said Sullivan, who noted that an environmental monitoring expert was also brought in by the brewery to monitor the air quality.
The company was given the all-clear by the fire marshal and the fire department, who determined the air quality to be good and the building structurally safe, Sullivan said.
Brewing has not yet resumed, but Sullivan said that packaging and shipping operations have returned to normal.
Copyright 2012 WFMZ. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.